How to install PHP on AlmaLinux 8 & AlmaLinux9

Introduction The PHP programming language is one of the most widely used server-side programming languages. It is a language used to develop dynamic and responsive websites. In this guide, we will show how to install PHP 8.3 on…

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How to Install Mail Server

Nowadays, most people have a mail account. We all have sent and received emails from all around the world. Emails are so common nowadays that we hardly think about the entire process. We write a message, make a…

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How to Install cPanel-WHM on CentOS 8

You know what CentOS Linux is, don`t you? It provides an open-course platform for Linux. CentOS 8 is the most recent version. It is provided with some upgrades and new features. Now, we can check how to install…

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Check Disk Space in unix servers by Commands line


On the internet you will find plenty of tools for checking disk space utilization in Linux. However, unix has a strong built-in utility called ‘df‘. The ‘df‘ command stands for “disk filesystem“, it is used to get a full summary…

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installing htop on RHEL 8 using yum


Htop is an interactive and real-time system-monitor process-viewer written for Linux. It is designed to replace the Unix program top.  htop is Interactive process viewer for RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise) 8 Linux . It is just like default top command with an additional set of options…

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