Centos install from rpm


It’s time to learn about managing an RPM package on CentOS(Centos install from rpm),To get more information about this version vist our website:- RPM (Red hat package manager) is a default open source and important package manager.
The RPM formerly known as .rpm file,which is includes compiled software programs and libraries needed by the packages.

Centos install from rpm

Now,Obtain RPM

Firstly, find a suitable RPM package with you will be working, And make sure you will to choose correct one according to your system architecture.

Now using Command:

#rpm -i package-1.2.3.rpm

Installing an RPM package

For installing packages on RedHat based systems, we are using rpm (Red Hat Package Manager) command.

The following command should do the great job,

We can also use YUM or DNF manager to install download rpm files.

#yum localinstall package-1.2.3.rpm     ## CentOS, RHEL systems
#dnf localinstall package-1.2.3.rpm ## Fedora systems

This is a very important part. Without this, “yum” won’t solve the dependency issues (missing/corrupted or unsatisfied dependencies).

Uninstalling the RPM package

If you’re no longer interested in the software you installed before, So you can directly uninstall it by running the following command –

We can use -e command line switch with the package name

#rpm -e package-1.2.3.rpm


In this article, you have learned how to install centos from RPM. You can now visit the official webpage to get many more information


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